Cornerstone Sermons

Welcome to our Sermons resource page. Please feel free to listen to or download any of these messages from Cornerstone Christian Church. But do please acknowledge Cornerstone Christian Church if you put any of these messages to public use.

We have 539 messages available here in 54 pages. The Page Selector is at the bottom of each page.

10th December 2023, Ps Kate Rook - Mighty God Everlasting Father.
3rd December 2023, Chris Pope - Advent - Wonderful Counsellor.

26th November 2023, Ps Guy Rook - James - Wise Instruction.
12th November 2023, David Fraser - Living in The Kingdom of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
5th November 2023, Colin & Jenny Ayling - Mission Update.
29th October 2023, Ps Guy Rook - Two Kinds of Wisdom.
8th October 2023, Ps Kate Rook - Words Create Worlds.

1st October 2023, Ps Guy Rook - Be Listeners AND Doers.
24th September 2023, Ps Guy Rook - Faith with Substance.
10th September 2023, Ps Kate Rook - Pure Joy.
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Page last updated: June 10 2024.

Copyright© 2021 Cornerstone Christian Church
An Assemblies of God Church
Waiuku, New Zealand