Cornerstone Devotions

Welcome to our devotions page established during and for the Covid-19 Lockdowns in New Zealand. You are welcome to watch on-line any of these devotions from Cornerstone Christian Church or download for later. We hope and pray that they speak life to you in any season which you may find yourself. Please acknowledge Cornerstone Christian Church if you put any of these devotions to public use.

We have 29 messages available here in 3 pages. The Page Selector is at the bottom of each page.

11th November 2021, Steve Spring - Romans 16:1 - 16.
9th November 2021, Ruth Viljoen - Matthew 11:28.
4th November 2021, Florence Spring - Matthew 4:4.
2nd November 2021, Sue Wilson - Wait, and Listen to Him.
28th October 2021, Unchained-NZ - One Kingdom.
26th October 2021, Lyn Davis - Thankful.
19th October 2021, Chris Cowie - Jn 10:3b
14th October 2021, Richard Dodd - Perfect Love Casts Out All Fear.
12th October 2021, Ps Maria Humberstone - His Mercies Are New Every Day!
7th October 2021, Suzy Kirkaldy - Psalm 37:4 & 5.
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Page last updated: June 10 2024.

Copyright© 2021 Cornerstone Christian Church
An Assemblies of God Church
Waiuku, New Zealand